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Shungite - Amino Acids

Shungite amino acids & Hydrocarbons for Health


Research on amino acids in Shungite & health benefits

This website on Amino Acids in Shungite, states: Research shows the concentration

of amino acids found in the shungite rock vary between the ranges of 25-89 g/g depending on the components of the mineral & shungite tested.


It was found that amino acids had a high concentration of L-enantiomers. These amino acids formed complexes with aluminosilicates & silica that are built in the Shungite's globular structure. Amino acids were found in the Precambrian rocks of Karelia.

The research was carried out to develop ways of preserving these acids during their geological time. Organic matter was also present in these rocks. The various sources

of these acids in shungite include secondary synthesis, original acids found

in the organic matter & microbial pollution. These acids are dominated by

alanine & glycerine in the Precambrian rocks.


It is said Shungite mineral came to the earth's surface 2.3 billion years ago through a meteorite.


Certain evidence supports it came from volcano activity pushing Shungite mineral up to the surface of the earth, as it cooled slowly beginning from the top to the bottom consequently, Shungite was born. If that's true, then Shungite can be found in the areas of other common types of volcanoes.


Many different sources with amino acids in Shungite mineral are good for the body.

This could be the reason many people think that Shungite is the "Fountain of Youth".


Shungite Amino Acids work on the binding structure of your DNA keeping DNA in place & repairing the internal changes needed for proper functionality.

Amino acids aid give & your immune system a real boost & builds, or rebuilds

the structure of bodies DNA. As we get older, our DNA structure grows older,

changes our body as we age. Keeping a balance of vitamins, & minerals is key

to being healthy & a dose of Shungite (not ever internally) is part of the better

steps to stay in line with health.


Hydrocarbons in the Shungite mineral can be transferred to your body through

contact of various different methods, do exactly what they might do for water.

They control to a degree, & help to eliminate things like viruses in the body that

may be harmful in the long run. (These viruses could be referred to as sleeper

viruses. These harmful elements wait until the immune system is weak enough

that the body cannot fight off negative influences in the area they are & begin

to attack the body from that point.


Shungite is the counter balance of that kind of bad element, usually finding

the opportunity to attack the body in older aged individuals. Viruses effect the

immune system while the complex matrix in Shungite counter's those effects & 

brings positive healing energy to the effected areas.

What are the methods of transferal?

Simply wear Shungite bracelets, necklace, pendent, waist belt, pad, cylinders,

powder, even cubes, & other variations of Shungite used on the body will

help the transferal.

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