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Shungite - The Home of the Miracle Stone

We Source on the the Best Quality Shugite from Karelia Russia


Our shungite comes from the Republic of Karelia in North-West Russia, region with harsh long winters & short, yet hot, summers. Historically, the region was much bigger but today is separated between Finland & Russia, however shungite is only found on the Russian side.


Karelia has numerous small deposits of shungite, but they are too scarce to be developed industrially. What we need to look at is Zaonezhsky peninsula, which is very visible on the map of Karelia – it is the piece of land that goes the deepest into Lake Onega from the north. There, in Medvezhyegorsky district, near Shunga Village lies the Zazhoginsky mine – the largest deposit of shungite in the world.


Zazhoginsky is an open quarry where shungite is mined with up-to-date technologies. The size of the deposit is 22x11 km (14x7 miles) & it houses more than 35 million tons of shungite. Annually, the mine produces approximately 200 thousand tons of shungite stone, so it can last at least 200 hundred years until it is drained. The excavation first started couple of centuries ago, but it was on a very low scale & not consistent. The situation changed in 1991 when first large mining operation started at Zazhoginsky deposit, that is when shungite started to gain popularity overseas, which has increased hundredfold since then. As it is situated on a large lake it is easy to transport shungite to ports of the Baltic, White and Barents seas for further transportation, as well as by train to Petrozavodsk, which is only 175 km (109 miles) away, and where we are situated, so we always have a never-ending supply of freshly-excavated shungite stone.


What distinguishes Zazhoginsky deposits from all the other shungite deposits in Karelia is of course the fact that it is the only place in the world where you can always get elite shungite. Some sources claim that it is the only deposit of elite shungite in the world, however you can still find nuggets of elite shungite in smaller deposits, though it is nearly not enough for industrial excavation. So yes, if you have an elite shungite nugget at home, there is 99% chance that it was mined in Zazhoginsky quarry.


Zazhoginsky mine shungite’s properties are much richer than other deposits  due to layers of of minerals between the shungite layers. Other minerals and rocks, also rich in healing & protection, like quartz, pyrite or dolomite. This crazy mix works in synergy to achieve the best quality & properties.  This is also the reason why you can sometimes find different infusions in your shungite, so you should never worry about it: it is just as healthy as the rest of the stone.


You can be 100% sure where your own shungite piece comes from. If you will become an eager shungite enthusiast But until then, enjoy all the powerful properties shungite provides you with and stay healthy & protected.


Purchase shungite from Karelia & bring the best crystal healing into your life!


Shungite - The Miracle Stone

What Makes Shungite so Special?


Shungite is a unique carbonaceous stone well known for its healing properties.

People nowadays refer to it as a miracle or magical stone because of its

numerous curative, protective & therapeutic properties renowned for several generations. Currently used to purify water in several fields including agriculture, chemical industries & spirituality amongst others. It has also been used to

treat various ailments dating back to the 18th century.


9 healing properties of Shungite  you need to know.


1. Antioxidant properties

It helps to protect your body from adverse effects of free radicals &

this is why it's often used in 

beauty & cosmetic medicine due to the fullerenes in its structure.

Antioxidant property helps ensure the immune system is functioning properly.


2. Neutralising properties

Shungite is able to neutralise geopathic tension & stress, thus bringing

healing properties to the human body, offering spiritual & physical healing.

These properties is why it is known as a miracle stone.

Also promoting balance between the right & left brain function.


3. Protective properties

It can be used to ground electrical energy as it makes contact with

the ground.  This can help users to avoid short-circuiting that may

have devastating effects on health. Shungite also helps to 

minimise the effects of EMF radiations which are known to cause cancer.


4. Cleansing properties

The powerful antioxidant nature of Shungite helps to eliminate toxins

in the human body. This helps your body to function efficiently

& promotes optimal healthy.


5. Anti-Inflammatory properties

It helps fight inflammations in your body like helps aid faster

recovery from wounds or injuries. 


6. Anti-aging properties

It helps to rejuvenate skin & makes skin look more

youthful & radiant, making even mature skin look younger.


7. Calming Effect

Shungite is known to calm nerves & can help stress levels with its

calming properties. It is also valuable for meditation purposes. Also known

to suppress production of the stress hormone.


8. Energy Boosting feature

It helps to improve energy levels needed by the human body, allowing its

users to live health & productive lives.


9. EMF Protection

Scientists believe Shungite dates back 1.6 billion years & contain a unique

molecular structure called “fullerene” that can transform artificial EMFs into biologically compatible frequencies to neutralise the effects on the body.

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